Similarly, a pillar based on monetary analysis calls for central banks to consider the outcome of their decisions within a longer-term context; to take due account of past experience and insights accumulated over time; and not to follow too slavishly the latest analytical techniques. 与此类似,基于货币分析的政策支柱,要求央行将其决策的后果放在较长的时间范围内加以考量,充分考虑过往经验和长期积累的见解,不要过于盲目地追随最新的分析方法。
Based on the earthquake disaster prediction analysis of building structure and combined with its past earthquake disaster data and design experience, some problems of the seismic design of building structure were discussed. 基于建筑结构震害预测分析,结合历次震害资料及设计实践,就建筑结构抗震设计中的若干问题进行了探讨,提出了看法和建议。
Through the analysis of the summary of past experience, constantly maintained practice study and simulation analysis, common to solve optical fiber cable line maintenance troubleshooting techniques and how to do a maintenance management issues, for routine maintenance work provides some valuable lessons of theory. 通过分析总结以往的维护经验、不断实践研究和模拟分析,共同去解决光缆线路维护中的故障处理技术以及如何做好维护管理工作的问题,为日常维护工作提供一些有价值的理论借鉴。